Jimi Tewe and Opy Onas storms JABU for 2015 #ThinkEntrepreneurship

JABU Think Entrepreneurship 2015 is here.  The theme of this year ''THINK ENTREPRENEURSHIP'' is “The Entrepreneur in an Uncertain Environment,”

Expected to attend the conference scheduled for Thursday, May 21 and Friday May 22, 2015 are academics and captains of industries. Among the speakers are Jimi Tewe of Inspiro Consulting and Opy Onas of Idea Mid-wife, United Kingdom.

The best and brightest undergraduates, graduates, professional students and other members of the public who want to address challenging issues on climate and energy, food and security, health and politics, would benefit immensely from the symposium, which will also provide information on start-off loan for students with viable and fundable business plans.

“The idea for the conference was birthed from the mission of the founding fathers of the university at inception, which was later adopted as the philosophy of the university. The conference, which kicked off in 2012 is organised by the alumni association of the school and sponsored by the university’s management.

As the premier university of entrepreneurship in Nigeria, with a wide array of infrastructural facilities and hands-on skills at their skills acquisition centre, coupled with seasoned crop of lecturers as well as professionals in different fields, JABU intends to create ample opportunity for self-sufficiency by equipping all its graduates the capacity for self-employment. By so doing, the graduates would be job creators and not job seekers.

This program it to advance students’ skills and expertise because the school believe that with key entrepreneurial competencies, problem solving and analytical skills, societal means of livelihood will be sustainable. We want to provide our students and graduates with the competence for leading entrepreneurial innovations, managing business development and working in business policy and strategic positions.

The program started in 2012 with NIYI ADESANYA being the guest speaker.


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