
Showing posts from April 12, 2016

The Sound Of Victory Against An Army Of LawBreakers ~Olusegun Adegbenro

At the start of this week as events unfold itself, as the conversation ensues beyond mythical stick of silence of Nigerians, the thought of President Muhammed Buhari doing this for the soul of Nigeria glides over and over. At first, during his electioneering campaign, I use to believe the worm of corruption is more than bespectacled and cannot be cut open by anyone except holy Jesus. Gore Vidal words will not navigate the thought when he says "By the time a man gets to be presidential material, he has been bought several times over".  Until this growing activities of EFCC, anti graft agencies, members of DSS, Nigerian Army, and other true advocate of change decided to show up Mr President body language is totally against these thieves. Nigeria is faced by reveling conversations that won't go away since the inception of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. #Ekitigate #BringBackOurBudget # PartyKickingagainstNassPolitic s #BudgetPadding #FuelScarcity #Po

60 Seconds to Success: How to Use Instagram's New 60-Second Video Option

Instagram certainly rocked the social marketing boat these last couple of weeks with their announcement that your feed will soon be curated by an algorithm instead of by which accounts you follow and when they upload. Suddenly, everyone was drowning in requests to “turn on notifications if you still want to see my posts”, which mostly resulted in an unpleasant barrage of notifications on your phone. In the panic, Instagram cautioned everyone to calm down, that testing phase isn’t over yet, and an official rollout won’t happen for months.  But on the heels of that announcement came Instagram’s video play. Previously, their videos for regular users were limited to 15 seconds. Now, a wide rollout is planned for 60-second videos. Why the big jump? Well, people are watching a whole lot more video, for one. Engadget reports that the number of people watching video on Instagram jumped 40% in the last six months.

Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park, Madagascar.

  The Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park is a national park located in Melaky Region, northwest Madagascar.  Together with the adjacent Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve, the National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  In several regions on western Madagascar, centering on this National Park and adjacent Nature Reserve, the superposition of vertical and horizontal erosion patterns has created dramatic "forests" of limestone needles.

The 4 Key Team Members You Need to Achieve Content Marketing Success

It wasn’t too long ago that marketing your business online all by yourself, using just a few minutes of free time you shaved from your lunch break each day, seemed feasible. Even just a few years ago, creating content felt like a fairly simple process :  maintain a blog, update it regularly with a quick post or two, and you’re all set to generate leads. Maybe, if you’re really ambitious, run a social media account or two. Now? Not so much. The challenges of building a brand online have rapidly grown in a very short period of time. People across the business world have quickly latched onto the idea that “content is king,” and it hasn’t taken long for content marketing to become a massive field with a lot of voices, all of them desperately crying out to be heard.

Messi remains world’s top paid footballer.

Barcelona’s Argentinian forward Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring a goal during the Spanish league football match Real Sporting de Gijon vs FC Barcelona at El Molinon stadium in Gijonon 2016. AFP PHOTO / MIGUEL RIOPA / AFP / MIGUEL RIOP Argentina and Barcelona star Lionel Messi remains the world’s highest paid footballer with an annual income of 74 million euros ($84.3 million, £59.3 million), according to a report set to appear in Tuesday’s edition of France Football magazine. Messi’s earnings in 2015 rose by nine million euros compared to the previous figures, keeping the five-time Ballon d’Or winner ahead of Cristiano Ronaldo (67.4m euros) and Neymar (43.5m euros) as the top three stayed unchanged for the third year running. France Football’s estimates were based on players’ pre-tax salaries, sponsorship revenues and various bonuses, it added. Angel Di Maria was the top-earning player in France with 24 million euros following his off-season move from Manchester United