How Important is The Head?
As I reflect on personal and professional challenges, I remember how important "The Head" is. Tracing our journey from that single sperm cell to where we are today. You will see that you have come far. You are not a failure. You are a survivor. You are not competing in life. The rest of your life is the best of your life and the best is yet to come. As I pondered on the importance of "The Head," there is a story between the Farmer and the Hunter which I will explain with this rime. Bi ori ba da rokoroko l'aamu, Yio da bii pe ko le roko t'egbe re Ika kii fe k'ar reru k'a so Bi ori ba nda sodesode l'aamu Yio da bii pe ko lee p'eran t'egbe re Atari l'alayanmo, ori l'elejo Ko s'sosa tii -ba 'nii -ja l'ehin ori eni Ori eni nii wipe k'o ye ni Meaning....... If a farmer's head is against him, It will appear as if he cannot work like his colleagues. The wicked don't want one to unburden his burden. If ...