How Important is The Head?

As I reflect on personal and professional challenges, I remember how important "The Head" is. 

Tracing our journey from that single sperm cell to where we are today. You will see that you have come far. You are not a failure. You are a survivor. You are not competing in life. The rest of your life is the best of your life and the best is yet to come.

As I pondered on the importance of "The Head," there is a story between the Farmer and the Hunter which I will explain with this rime.

Bi ori ba da rokoroko l'aamu,
Yio da bii pe ko le roko t'egbe re
Ika kii fe k'ar reru k'a so
Bi ori ba nda sodesode l'aamu
Yio da bii pe ko lee p'eran t'egbe re
Atari l'alayanmo, ori l'elejo
Ko s'sosa tii -ba 'nii -ja l'ehin ori eni
Ori eni nii wipe k'o ye ni


If a farmer's head is against him,
It will appear as if he cannot work like his colleagues.
The wicked don't want one to unburden his burden.
If a hunter's head is against him,
It will appear as if he cannot fish like his colleagues.
A man's head is his most intimate diety,
There is no "orisa" working against one except one's head,
It is a man's head that decrees success for him.

As I reflected on this rime, I often see people who are blessed and privileged misuse this opportunity. There is a huge difference between blessed and privileged. If you say you are blessed, how are you using your blessing to honor the giver and enrich others? If you say you are privileged, how are you leveraging your privileged position to uplift others?

You see, when God blesses you, it is incumbent upon you to recognize His Blessings in order to be a blessing to others. Blessed or Privileged, our world's current reality calls us all to utilize these positions to create hope in a world where hopelessness is the order of the day. 

Despite this immense privilege, people that are blessed and privileged should remain conscious of one thing - the very God who blessed them can raise up another person to do His work. It is not for them to choose where to go and interact; it is for them to inspire where there is a need for inspiration. It is for them to offer support where there is a need for help. It is for them to give back where their services are required. 

Who they are today can never be separated from who they were yesterday and it will not be separated from who they will become tomorrow. 

To my friends reading here, Blessed or Privileged, never ever forget the road that led you to your enlarged territory. Be grateful to your head.

Please don't ever consider yourself too big, too sophisticated, or too important to go back to the place that shaped and nurtured you and interact with the people who are the very reason for your existence.

Once again, Ko s'sosa tii -ba 'nii -ja l'ehin ori eni,
Ori eni nii wipe k'o ye ni.

May we all be successful in life.

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Written by @OBAAdeyemiO 


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