N5, 000 STIPEND: Buhari Didn’t Disappoint Nigerian Youths by Idris Usman

President Muhammadu Buhari, according to several citizens who are calling for his head, disappointed Nigerian youths as it concerns the campaign promise on the payment of N5000 monthly allowance to unemployed Nigerian graduates which so far has not been fulfilled.

The truth, however, is that the Nigerian youths are so gullible that any feeling of disappointment on their part especially as it relates to this particular campaign promise are rightly deserved. When this promise was made why didn’t they sit down and make their own individual calculations as to the viability. Instead they allowed themselves to be carried away & accepted everything being promised hook, line and sinker without any questions whatsoever.
Nigerian youths are actually not known for protecting their interest rather they prefer to mortgage their future for immediate gain. It doesn’t make any sense that they would believe that N5000 would actually be paid when, in actual fact, nobody knows the true number of unemployed Nigerian graduates in Nigeria. There is no social security number, no data and the available statistics are highly questionable and under these circumstances there is no way any money like that can be properly channeled for Nigerian youths otherwise the beneficiaries would be gainfully employed Nigerians who may not even be Youths and have very little need for the monthly stipend.
As far as I am concerned, Buhari is right for not actualising that particular campaign promise. Yet, as a country, we do not have the necessary statistics to embark on that kind of venture for now as it would be abused and most definitely wouldn’t even get to the desired recipients.
It is time Nigerian youths put on their thinking caps and began thinking aright about themselves and their future to stand up for good governance without having to be cajoled by petty promises. Enough of this “man must wack” approach because whether we like it or not, N5,000 can only go a short way and we would be back to all that is wrong and needing attention.
It is time we woke up and began to think beyond the N5,000 for greater visions and aspirations.
~ Idris Usman


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