Guthrie (1952) defines skills as the ability to bring about some end result with maximum certainty and minimum outlays of ‎energy or of time and energy. Such abilities can be only be made possible through practice, it is the process of developing such abilities through consistent practice that is referred to as skill acquisition.
In fact, skill acquisition is often a complementary knowledge but for some a source of livelihood. Common skills withing the Nigerian environment include Fashion Designing, Farming, Soap Making, Shoe-Making, Welding, Painting, Information Technology etc. The widening gap between the demand and supply of jobs in the labour market has made the acquisition of skills necessary in the 21st century especially in developing countries like Nigeria.

To create balance between the growing needs for jobs and the availability of it. There is indeed a need for an intervention plan. So far, skill acquisition has proven to be a panacea for National Security and a sure guarantee for sustainable development particularly for youths as they constitute the larger force within the society that is at the receiving end of the drought in jobs in Nigeria.

Skill Acquisition is a capital intensive, there is urgent need for our governments  (local, state and FG) to channel more resources into skill acquisition programmes so as to make loans readily available and easily accessible for many that are interested in developing and making livelihood through an acquired skill instead of depending on a "white collar" job that is not even available enough. The Nigerian government led by President Muhammadu Buhari must create more Technical and Vocational Schools because I believe firmly that they will serve as an effective medium in encouraging the acquisition of skills among our teeming jobless youths, and also to create a sustainable youth development, government must consider give her youths Vocational and Technical education that can equally provide formal education for them.

It is often said that an idle hand is the devil's workshop, Nigerian youths must on their own part seize every possible opportunity available to develop themselves in one skill or another because everyone can or should rely on prospects of western education whether in the arts, science or humanities. Skill acquisition could actually be a money spinning venture for future dream actualization. Nigerian Youths must learn to imbibe the virtue of patience and avoid being ruled by the "get quickly and anyhow" syndrome because there is dignity in labour. Skill acquisition guarantees self empowerment which of course is a great mark of true freedom, they should not rely on certificates but acquired a skills. White collar jobs are no longer what they used to be so, it is high time for each Nigerian youth to fold his/her sleeves and acquired skill(s) aside formal education.

'Deji Adesogan, a Security Expert and Media Consultant, writes from Abuja. Tweets via @DejiAdesogan


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