How to Advertise on Instagram

Instagram ads are finally here and live for the majority of advertisers. We've had access for a couple of days so wanted to share how to create Instagram ads and share some things to look out for.

How To Get Set Up
Below is a step by step guide for getting set up with Instagram ads:
Step 1: You'll need to connect your Instagram profile to your Facebook Business Manager account. To do this go to your Business Manager account, and hover on Business Settings as shown below. From here, you can choose 'Instagram Accounts'.

The next page will open up and allow you to 'Claim New Instagram Account'. You'll just need the username and password of you or your clients account to get connected. Assign your Instagram account to the relevant advertising account in Business Manager when prompted to complete the first stage.

 Step 2: Head back to the home screen of your Business Manager and navigate to Power Editor. From there create a new campaign as a standard website clicks campaign. Create the campaign as you would otherwise, but at the ad set level under placements choose 'Instagram' as the option here as shown below:

Step 3: When you get to the ad level, you'll be asked to choose which Instagram account your ad is running on. You'll also need to upload a 1200 x 1200 pixels size image to complete your ad.
You're able to choose from the standard Facebook call to action buttons, and use all of the normal Facebook options such as pixel tracking and advanced URLs at this stage also.

Key Considerations
  • Images: With Instagram ads, it's even more important than ever to use strong imagery. Use photography rather than iconography if you can (excuse the example above!) to fit in with the platform and get strong performance
  • Targeting: All of the usual Facebook targeting criteria apply - meaning you can really segment your users and reach just about anyone you need to on Instagram
  • Costs: Early indications suggest that cost per click ads are much more expensive on Instagram as compared to Facebook - particularly for business related audiences. We're sure this will decrease over time as more ads are allowed on the platform, but at the moment it looks pricey!
Give Instagram ads a go if they're now available in your Power Editor account and let us know how you get on!

Source: socialmediatoday


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